

Communication skills
VIM skills
Email skills
MUTT Skills

Communication Skills

How to ask (email) busy people

Give a very specific description of exactly what went wrong at what step, what it was supposed to do, and what exactly it actually did.

EMAIL Skills

Go into your email settings, and make sure you have a signature. You need this because you’re going to be emailing people who have no idea who or where you are! Give them some context. Your signature should say who, what, and where, with a URL or two. For example:

Jaroslav (Yarve) Plotnikov - migration educator, Germany, Flensburg.
https://yarve.com info@yarve.com Mob./Telegram: +49 159-03072498.
What I am doing now: https://yarve.com/now
Friend me via my email list: https://yarve.com/list

When you email people, write a descriptive subject. Never “hey” or “booking”. Try “Available June 6 for showcase?” or “introduction to photographer”. This is considerate. Now when your email is one of hundreds in an inbox, it will say exactly what is contained inside.

Make it as short as possible. The shorter your email, the more likely it will get a response. Be direct. Five sentences is ideal. If your email is too long, they are likely to procrastinate, and never get back to it.

Use short paragraphs. Leave plenty of space. Reading a screen is different from reading a book.

VIM Skills

There are 3 modes: Normal/Command Mode, Insert Mode, Visual Mode.
Everything we type in the normal mode, will be a command.
Use insert mode to make changes.

vim + name of new file creates a new file (ex. newVimFile.txt)
vim + passwords.js opens an existing file (ex. passwords.js)
:q quites a file
i enters insert mode
esc key we hit before saving the changes.
:w saves changes
:wq saves changes and allows to quit

Moving coursor

i right,
h left,
j down,
k up.

To navigate several lines, use digit+command
5k 5 lines up,
20j 20 lines down.

To navigate horizontally, use 0 and $
w moves coursor to the beginning of next word,
i moves coursor to the end of next word,
b moves coursor back to beginning of previous word (b is an opposite of w),
gg moves coursor to the first line of the file,
G moves coursor to the last line of the file,
200G moves coursor to the beginning of line #200 of the file,
Then I can hit i in order to enter INSERT mode and write some text.
If I made an error or just decided to und o, I hit esc to go to the ENTER mode, then hit u (which stays for "undo"). But if I still decided to redo my changes, I hit the Ctrl+R.

A moves coursor to the end of the line and you can write some text.

o opens (creates) a new line below the current line. I could enter an INSERT mode and write some text.
O opens (creates) a new line below the current line. I could enter an INSERT mode and write some text.

An awesome tutorial by Josean Martinez How to use Vim - Learn The Basics in 15 Minutes

MUTT Skills

Read Emails

To read an email, hit [enter] or [return] when it is highlighted.
To scroll down an email text, hit [space].

To go back to the list, type i (for “index”)

Reply Mails

To reply, hit r then:

Forwarding a message with attachments

First way:
type v to get to the attachments screen.
Type t repeatedly to tag all the attachments, including the initial small text/plain attachment (that's the original message body).
When they're all tagged, type ;f (forward all tagged attachments).
After you fill in the To: prompt, you'll be able to edit the message body, and when you leave the editor, you'll have the attachment list there to edit as you see fit.

Send a new eMail

To send a new email, hit m then repeat those steps like you did for a reply, except now the “To:” and “Subject:” are blank and waiting for you to create. (For “To:”, type the email address of the person you’re emailing.)

Display all mails from one specific author

l (small l)
~f author

Extra: in threaded mode, you can display complete threads where at least one of the messages are from author, with the following match expression: ~(~f author)

Switch mailboxes in Mutt

Watch a video by Roel Van de Paar How to switch mailboxes in Mutt? (3 Solutions!!)

To quit, hit q

Here is MUTT Manual


MUTT Manual DEUTSCH on Linuxwiki.de

Also a bigger Manual DEUTSCH on Linux-community.de

Open BSD

Add Email-ID

  • Login into ~$ ssh slav@yarve.com
  • Enter root password (444444)
  • Statement "Please use the sendbug(1) utility..." appears
  • yarve$ doas su
  • yarve# adduser
  • "Ok, let's go. Don't worry..."
  • Enter username []: jp
  • Enter full name []: Jaroslav Plotnikov
  • Enter shell csh ksh nologin sh [ksh]: HIT ENTER
  • Uid [1002]: HIT ENTER
  • Login group jp [jp]: HIT ENTER
  • Login group is jp''. Invite jp into other groups: guest no
    [no]: no
  • Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuilt staff unbound vmd xenodm
    [default]: HIT ENTER
  • Enter password []: 444444
  • Enter password again []: 444444

  • Name: jp
    Password: ****
    Fullname: Jaroslav Plotnikov
    Uid: 1002
    Gid: 1002 (jp)
    Groups: jp
    Login Class: default
    HOME: /home/jp
    Shell: /bin/ksh
    OK? (y/n) [y]: y
    Added user jp
    Copy files from /etc/skel/ to /home/jp
    Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n
    yarve# exit

    Open BSD

    To learn more about your new server, just log in and type: help
    It will teach you the basics. Then for each command or file you want to know more about, type man followed by the command or filename. So for example, log in and type...

    Hit your [space] bar to scroll the page, then q to quit.

    It’s one of the most wonderful things about OpenBSD: everything you need to know is in those man pages! No need for YouTube, Google, ChatGPT, or any other advertising-driven sources of information.

    OpenBSD FAQ (opens in a new tab).

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